Finding your way back – Detachment

Every life has always been unconditionally and infinitely formatted to its unique form. This is happening equally to every individual in our perceivable existence named reality. According to my own point of view, and I believe as to opinions of many others, the great visibility in the presence of never-ending and continually evolving transformation of our lives can always be found over time.

This process can be perceived as if we would be given our own expanding horizontal timeline through which we are allowed to move constantly. Our moves will, however, not be happening only in one form as we all are way more than that. Imagine this time-line having several sub-floors and the various upper levels and us, moving through it in multiple forms as if we would be experimenting through our life’s journey while browsing through them with the lift among the various stages. As our life’s path isn’t straight, there would be certain twists, turns, and forks on our journey. During being on one of the floors and spending the time allowed to us, via challenges, experiences, risks, learnings, growth, and so much more, we experience the current form of a reality that we had consciously imagined and decided to live.

Once life’s permit of being on this particular grade ends, we may find ourselves in a place so-called “in-between.” This is a place connecting what was, what is, and what is about to be, often interpreted by our mind as a gap or a break. What might be displayed in our mind via restoring process of our conscious and subconscious mind, our heart, and our soul during this period are all of the pictures of the situations, moments, memories, feelings, achievements, losses, or hurts collected along the journey via this imaginary, yet so realistic time-line.

Before providing ourselves the approval to move to the next stage, we may consider our individual evaluation of all that was up until now. Depending on our ever-given values and related significance to certain priorities, we are, as of now, able to evaluate everything.

During this process, our present being with an idea given by our future self can be advising to go layers deeper in this unique assessment. Once we start examining the details of the situations in our mind that we were once in, we may find a way of honouring ourselves by being equally grateful for our lessons & blessings as well as for all past versions of us without which we wouldn’t be where we are by now. We may be equally thankful for everything that was and all that we went through.

After this evaluation of the positive or negative situations via our mind is finalized, we may reconnect to our soul and heart to find out what was our most joyful, happy, or valuable moments and what positive feelings are prevailing with them as well as to identify the feelings of hurts, the pains, the fears, we don’t intend to keep anymore. These are the ones with which we would need to stay for a while longer and invite our partner, the – Detachment, along our journey to serve us.

How frequently do we find ourselves attached to negative aspects from the past? Our mind remembers these moments equally well as everything that has ever been said to us, whether actual or untrue. Our heart reflects the feelings we connected with it, and our soul remains all we have taken personally to us.

We can view detachment as a procedure that would help us to remove all of these parts that we perceive as unwanted or not helpful for us while presenting this all collected along our path, which is, however, not supporting our near or future journey. Detachment can do this for us while acting as a saver of our needed wins, equally working on removing our selfwasted moments, feelings, and emotions in unwanted fights.

By the act of detaching us from everything not serving our newly refreshed identity, we may feel reconnected to ourselves and detached from the old patterns we once lived in, finding better ways for us and our reality.

At the same time that we are in the progress of being re-healed from our past, we indeed start to feel ready for our upper levels waiting for the thrive of the best versions of our lives, yet to come!ffound over time

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