Unpack your Experience and Create a New Future

The mind is the catalyst for change, which can influence almost everything in our life Browsing through the memories and lessons while remaining detached from the disappointments sets us up for the arising vision of the new.

Our life journey can be boxed into a collection of memories of our past experiences, available for our reality formation. Imagine, therefore, yourself waiting in line for these past experiences in the form of cases arriving on a conveyor belt, like waiting for your airport luggage to arrive.

As the first one arrives, you can see the case clearly labeled: “Lost and Forgotten,” representing the parts of your inner strengths, values, and boundaries that you once defined to be solid and unbroken under any of life circumstances.

In the second case, your “Moments and Situations” which are the most valuable to you, with feelings of joy, love, and happiness, connected to your heart and soul.

Finally, the third case arrives, “Experiences and Knowledge,” connecting you with the most significant of experiences, the unique gifts, skills, and the knowledge to build your new vision. Also, in this case, there will be enough space for new experiences, to enable you to grow, unknown to your past or present existence.

These three cases represent the significant attributes needed to create your new vision for the rest of your life. Once you walk out of the airport with your cases filled with your life’s unique experiences and gifts, you might find your mind filling with thoughts about the parts you will soon be unpacking and want to take on your next journey.

As you finally arrive at your safe and peaceful place, you will place your three cases before you. And before you start, I kindly ask you to find a quiet moment within you that may serve your evaluation and the formation of the idea about the vision of your new life. Please start with opening the case with the parts forgotten along the journey – the past set standards, principles, and boundaries- and kindly begin evaluating the situations where these may not have been fully or partially met. Once you finalize, please provide yourself with the promise of new ones – that you will set with unbreakable rules. After this one, start unpacking the case filled with the happiest and most exciting moments of your life. While doing this, I recommend you make notes of the moments you found to be the most fulfilling, as this is what you want to bring more of into your life. What were the moments that made your soul fill with joy? Let’s permit ourselves to bring more of these to our reality – as the most exciting and successful life is – a Happy Life!

And finally, kindly open the last case to look closer towards seeing what has shaped you to date. What are the most significant experiences that have helped you become who you are now? What were the challenges you accepted? What were the moments you gained valuable lessons or learned from? What skills and gifts are your strongest that you can build upon? Which do you identify and feel will be most valuable for you to open up to?

Our vision and our entire life is in our hands with the lists of the outcomes collected from these significant cases – our belongings. Consider what you are holding as your unique instruction manual that will open up the journey of a new reality you may allow to be shaping in front of you!

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