ACCESS & WORK with your SHADOW to bring that VERSION of yourself that you wish to be to your REALITY

As an individual, I have walked the path of accessing and working with my shadows, experienced different identities, and over the past decade, transformed my life across 4 different countries. By identifying my significant strengths, I have been guided to provide coaching and serve as coach, facilitator and speaker to individuals, teams, and international projects,  what is, one of my greatest passions.

What has made me who I am today? Definitely, one significant action – CHANGE. To reach the powerful version of ourselves, I believe we are required to accept change as our ideal coordinator throughout the journey of becoming the best version of ourselves that we might ever be. 



Learn how to embrace Change in order to

What are my main philosophies?

“I imagine for every individual to have an access to a life of FASCINATION instead of a life of REGRETS. “

“I believe, we are in our lives the ones, who are supposed to choose our own fights, with the guidance of the God and Devine will. And that is, what I, intensively during the past decade do. Instead of having life circumstances, situations or other people defining them for us. “

With <3 Simona



The story of my biggest life transition started for me at the age of 22, at the moment, when I decided to have a serious conversation with my mother. I remember this scene very well, as this was a major turning point of my life. We were sitting in the kitchen of a flat in Slovakia, my home country and I was about to tell my mother that I wanted to quit university after 1.5 years of studies, during which I had achieved only A and B grades. And that’s exactly what I did. I made her aware of my absolute dissatisfaction with the repetitive studies I was required to take, with no vision I could imagine for my future after graduation.

Instead of continuing with my studies, I was considering my first full-time job abroad. What I wanted, was to after passing my state exam in English work on my language skills and I preferred to simply start earning and acquiring real life experiences.

To give you an idea of a step I decided to take in my life, it was a giant one – the very first, after which many other massive steps followed. I packed my luggage with just some basic items and left to start my first full-time job completely unrelated to any studies I had ever done, in Greece – to a country, I had visited last time, when I was 6, and at the time, when English, was barely spoken.

To make a long story short, the woman you can speak to now has restarted her life four times over the past decade and five times over her lifetime so far, moved through four different countries, gained absolute resilience, and discovered immense willpower within herself to do whatever it takes to experience something that she names an absolute extension of herself !

You might be wondering why have I changed my life as many times ? The answer I provide, is very simple: At the moment when I gained a feeling of satisfaction with what I had achieved and lived a quite nice, ordinary life, the voice within me always said: “Believe me, you are not living your highest potential yet, and there is much more to discover, to grow into, than what you know by now. Your next level is waiting for you. But for this, you need to be strong and willing to give up all what you built, the comfort you have gained, and transform.” And so I did, 5 times. To this day, I can confirm, that I was always guided to my next country, always shown within a time what the next level was for me, after I made my leap through my absolute fear. All of the decisions I have made have been confirmed by me as completely right ones, in order to live a life of absolutely no regrets!

I have no idea who I would have been had I not done what I did at such young age. But I can tell you that the woman I have become has enough stories to tell for the imaginary lives of four different people already at the age of 33.

Realizing my personal life journey allowed me to transition to many personal and professional levels, to gain invaluable skills, experiences and knowledge, you are right if you think, that exactly this journey, has set me on the path of Coaching/Leadership/Public Speaking. For it was the one that guided me to knowing the real depths of who I really am.

As a Projector with a 4/6 Role Model profile, I possess the ability to see the systems, energies & therefore also the blockages. I recognize the successful shortcuts and create ways to continue with more ease, while activating all that individuals/teams/projects have for the particular matter. Combining my specific Projector’s abilities and visibility of future matters with my personal lessons and learnings with methods acquired through my hardships in professional and personal life, I have decided to serve and provide all to World.


Simona Petkova is a CEPC Certified Coach, Public Speaker, Human Design Reader, Columnist and entrepreneur who guides busy professionals to reach their highest authentic potential.

Before becoming a coach, she worked in variety of industries from marketing, law, to information technology and was a successful operational specialist in corporate space.

Now, Simona focuses on helping individual success their personal genius to transform their internal being that further helps them transit through and transform their external reality, access their highest ability to self-lead in order to step in their fullest version and achieve success in personal & professional growth, while also working with companies and teams to boost their effectivity, transform their processes, make a use of effective soft skills and professional communication.

She has over 400 hours of experience coaching women, men founders, entrepreneurs and teams World Wide. 

Business Transformations

Simona Petkova’s personal & professional path, lead her through living in 4 different countries, she was borned and raised in Slovakia, lived in: Greece, Czech Republic and currently lives in Germany. Simona supported clients and projects in: Nordic Countries, UK & Ireland, Belgium, Austria, USA, Netherland, and Switzerland. With her strong commitment to learning and self-development, she continually developed herself through learning transformative approaches via Agile Methodology, directly supporting the internal transformations from classic project management setup to Agile way of working. She witnessed the first internal transformation in 2017 while working for IBM Service Centre in Bratislava, what further enabled her to support the transit to Agile way of working in banking industry, later delivering the coaching as Scrum Master to various international hight-performing teams.

Simona holds an Agile foundations certification, Scrum Master certification, and Yellow Belt Diploma.

International Clients:

Personal Coaching:

Simona considers herself being a self-coach over her past 11 years and confirms that her studies of Life Coaching helped her navigate many personal and professional transformations through variety of individual levels. She possesses: Elite Performance Coaching Certification – CEPC level 4 standard, NLP diploma and Human Design Diploma. Her coaching approaches combines learnings & acquired skills from her professional coaching path, personal coaching education and her own life experiences of personal transformations.

Human Design:

Her 2 years studies of Human Design have shaped her understanding of who she internally believes to be and confirmed the correctness of her individualistic leadership, coaching and entrepreneurship path being a Projector. She considers the learning of herself via Human Design empowering, strategic and significant force for her business journey helping her understand and apply an ideal strategy in variety of situations.

“Human Design system represents for me inseparable part of the individual essence within each of us. In my understanding of authenticity driven by internal passion of our biggest abilities and joy set in our heart, we all may start with turning our attention to inner discoveries of our individual genius that lives within us.”

Public Speaking:

With her rising coaching practice, she is being invited to variety of events as public speaker. Between her actual collaborations we may find:

  • Master Your Life Event – Megasymposium
  • Since 2024 – Simona is a member of Toastmasters International, regularly present in Nuremberg/Germany

Simona Petkova is in her life & coaching practice enthustiastic about variable Japanesse Techniques.

Simona is retired professional dancer and performer, dancing was part of her life since her childhood for 12 years, she completed the elementary and secondary grades. To this day, she stays active in sports as running, pilates, joga that she combines on daily basis. She reinvented her love for dancing with her professional trainer, who trains her for Pro-Am Ballroom Samba. She is a great enthusiast of biohacking and biohacking approaches in life, promoting conscious & healthy eating connecting the living and eating in harmony with the seasons and calendar, folowing the: Harahachibo – don’t eat more when you are for 80% full, she is passionate about the epigenetics, quantum physics and sprirituality.“I have undergone, and I am always passionate about deepening my knowledge via continuous trainings, spiritual techniques & learnings about the mind-body”

You may hear her speaking through her 4 languages, that she is continually developing. Being borned in pisces sign she is a water, sea and ocean-lover, since June 2024 she is certified Open Water Diver,  that prefers to live surrounded by the water. 

Values & Ethics








Coaching Techniques


Variety of Life /Elite Coaching Techniques

Agile, Scrum

Human Design

Meditations, Shadow work

Visualisations, Breathwork

Spiritual & other life experiences

Preferred Philosophies:

Lao Tzu & Taoism – focusing on personal development with an emphasis on ethics such as simplicity, kindness, generosity, and humility

Shu-Ha-Ri – importance of following rules and mastering techniques before breaking away and developing your own style. Shu – Follow the rules, obeying the rules to keep or maintain. Ha – Move away from the rules, to detach or break free. Ri – Unconsciously finding an individual path, means to go beyond or transcend

Ikigai – “iki” meaning “to live,” and “gai” meaning “reason,” which translates to “a reason to live.” It’s a concept that encourages people to discover what truly matters to them and to live a life filled with purpose and joy – Find your Life Purpose

Kaizen – small improvements done everyday

Pomodoro technique – uses fixed time of 25min work without interruptions, followed by 5 min. break

Šošin –  do every assignment in a way that you are a beginner in it – with the same enhusiasm

Vabisabi – accept the imperfections


Discover different coaching and collaborative options how we may partner together

Private Coaching

Transform Your Life: Personalized Coaching to Unlock Your Full Potential, Remove your Limitations, and Achieve Lasting Success in various areas of your life.

Human Design Reading

Discover Your Blueprint: Recognize your uniqueness via Human Design for Personal Growth, Fulfillment, and Alignment of actions in your life in accordance with your own persona.

Leadership Coaching

Elevate Your Leadership: Expand your leadership and communication skills, restart your emotional intelligence, lead with purpose, authority and impact.

In Addition to being a Coach:

International Speaker

Megasymposium 2023
Megaglobalhub 2024
Member of Toastmasters
International 2024


Experienced Contributions
Columnist in: Expert Profile Magazine, The Sovereign Magazine

Mediator & Facilitator

Variety of Events, Internal team meetings following Scrum Methodology,
Agile transformation required meetings

Let's Connect




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